Saying goodbye to special friends is so hard. I will be honest, I was so sad when my friend told me that she and her family were moving out of state. I know that the move was the best thing for her family but selfishly I didn’t want her to go. She is the kind of friend that you know you can call anytime of the day or night and she will jump to help you in any way she can. Friends like that are priceless!
In addition to being sad that my friend was moving, she was taking her kids with her and that meant that my kids were going to be sad too! She has four of the sweetest, most adorable kiddos evah and they matched up age wise with my three kiddos pretty well so they had become friends also.
So, in the midst of my selfish sadness, she reached out to me and asked me to photograph her family living life in the house the were about to move out of. She and her family loved this house and wanted some beautiful photos of their everyday life so they could always remember the life they were leaving. I thought this was such a wonderful way to say goodbye to their life here before moving on to a new adventure.
The photos below are some of my favorites from our time together. I spent several hours following them around as a family and also the kids in each of their rooms. It was a special session and such an honor to be included in such a bittersweet time in their lives. I hope you enjoy.