Well, it has finally happened; my sweet girl turned 5 years old last Friday. She is my baby and I am just not ready for her to be 5. Why does 5 seem so much older than 4? This momma is in denial and I think I will stay that way for quite awhile....
Two sweet beautiful sisters wearing matching white dresses, perfect recipe for a fun summer evening in St. Louis. Even though this session was HOT, we did our best to make the best of it. These girls perservered as we got some beautiful photos for their grandparent’s 50th wedding anniversary. During this session, I learned that I need...
Happy Mother’s Day All! Motherhood is so beautiful! As a tribute to this special day, I wanted to write a post highlighting some of my favorite photos of moms and their kiddos. As I was preparing this blog post, I had an epiphany; my entire job is capturing the beauty of family and motherhood. I only work...
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