Kirkwood High School Senior Photos|St. Louis Photographer

Special High School Senior

Today’s blog post is a special one for me. I get to introduce all of you to my sweet/precious/kind/talented/beautiful neighbor who happens to be graduating from high school this spring. Her mother asked me to take her senior photos and I couldn’t have been more honored.

I have known this lovely young lady for a little over 9 years. We moved in next door to her family when we moved to St. Louis in January 2012. She was the first person to greet us and welcome us to our new neighborhood, new city, and new state.

Growing Up

My earliest memories of this beautiful young woman are of her playing with my two oldest kiddos. She was quite the tomboy who didn’t mind playing super heroes with my boys. I also seem to recall that she never wanted to wear shoes, no matter what the weather.

It’s been a few years since the days of super hero play in my house or yard but I am so grateful to her for making the transition to Missouri much easier for my kids. Having a friend right next door who came over and asked them to play meant more to me that she will ever know.

OK, before I totally become a blubbering mess of emotions, here are a few of my favorites from our time together.

We decided we wanted to get some photos with a more urban feel and some with a more natural feel. We started out in downtown Webster Grove.

3 photos of young woman in downtown area | St. Louis Photographer

Would you believe this was taken in a parking lot? Trust your photographer! When we ask you to kneel down in a tiny strip of long weeds in the middle of a parking lot in a busy downtown area, do it! We have a vision!

High school senior girl sitting in field of grass at sunset | KGriggs Photography
2 photos of teen girl in stairway | St. Louis Photos
2 photos of older teen girl sitting | St. Louis Photography

After getting some amazing images in our downtown setting, it was time to head off for a more natural background. We decided we wanted to capitalize on the variety of Forest Park.

Young woman on bridge in Forest Park | KGriggs Photography
Kirkwood high school senior girl kneeling in Forest Park | St. Louis Photographer
Kirkwood senior smiling at camera | St. Louis Senior Photography
High school senior looking at camera | Kirkwood Senior Photographer
High school senior walking across rocks in Forest Park | St. Louis Senior Photographer
High school senior standing with sun behind her | KGriggs Photography

This next photo reminds me of when she was 9 years old when we first met. She still has that same sweet smile.

High school senior sitting near water at Forest Park | St. Louis Senior Photography
2 photos of a high school senior | St. Louis Senior Photographer

Thank you for choosing me to capture such a milestone in your life. I had an amazing day with you and I am so grateful that I get to call you neighbor and friend!



St. Louis, Missouri




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