Two became three…
It’s been several years since I have photographed this family, so long in fact that they added a little brother! That’s what happens when you photograph families, they grow and I am there to document it. In addition to a new family member, mom has started a new business – check out what she has been up to here.
At the beginning of our session, little brother was a bit hesitant so sweet big sister stepped in and showed him how to smile at the camera.
Busy little boys
It didn’t take long before this adorable little guy decided that he was in a beautiful park and he wanted to play. This is absolutely typical for boys his age, so we just went with it. I took a few minutes to follow him around and get some shots of him alone. This gave him time to explore while at the same time not forcing him to sit still. I work very hard to make the whole experience a positive one for everyone. If you have kiddos that don’t want to sit still, that is totally fine with me. Check out this precious little man!
Bribery is sometimes required
I know it’s hard to imagine, but kids don’t always like having their photos taken. Sometimes bribery is required. In this little guy’s case, he was having so much fun playing at the park, he didn’t want to sit with his sisters for a few more photos of all three of them together. His mother is one smart cookie, she brought some of his favorite toys as well as a lollipop to keep him happy. You can see both if you look closely at the photos below.

Sweet Girls
I am so grateful that I was given the opportunity to photograph both of these girls again. They are so easy to work with and were a breeze to photograph. I loved how they treated each other and were so sweet and patient with their brother. These parents have done a good job.